Monday, September 30, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Allusion to Machiavelli Essay

Quote from Fahrenheit 451: â€Å"We are all bits and pieces of history and literature and international law. Byron, Tom Paine, Machiavelli, or Christ, it’s here† (Bradbury 152). Bradbury, Ray. â€Å"Part 3.† Fahrenheit 451. New York: Del Rey Book, 1991. 152. Print. Original Source or Context: Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian historian, politician, diplomat, and philosopher during the late 1400s early 1500s. Machiavelli is considered the father of modern political theory; and his theories are most prominent in his short book, â€Å"The Prince†. Machiavelli’s â€Å"The Prince† is main purpose is to tell rulers how to remain in power once they have gained it. The best way to go about ruling according to Machiavelli is to simply rule well. However if this does not work Machiavelli recommends several different strategies such as the use of violence. During Machiavelli’s time his theories were not widely accepted and because of this he died in shame. Machiavelli acted on his thoughts and beliefs despite what society taught and believed. However once time passed Machiavelli’s philosophies were better understood and accepted. Other philosophers began take portions of his philosophy to add to their own. This brought upon a new respected look to Machiavelli rather than the shameful look he died with. Citation’s from Original Source: Nederman, Cary. â€Å"Niccolà ² Machiavelli.† Stanford University. Stanford University, 13 Sept. 2005. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. . â€Å"Niccolo Machiavelli, 1469-1527.† Niccolo Machiavelli, 1469-1527. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. . Mansfield, Harvey. â€Å"Niccolo Machiavelli (Italian Statesman and Writer).† Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. . Effect/Insight: The effect of the allusion to Niccolo Machiavelli in â€Å"Fahrenheit 451† is it connects Guy Montag to Machiavelli. Montag acted on his thoughts and what he believed in rather than what society believed in. Montag believed books were necessary to society and that the information in books had to be memorized  by someone in order to create a better future. The act of reading books was not accepted by society but in the future Montag would be remembered as a hero for doing so. In the same sense Machiavelli’s philosophies were not accepted by society but were created in order to make life better in the Italian city states. Machiavelli’s died in shame from his peers but was later on remembered for doing great things for society. Bradbury’s purpose of alluding to Machiavelli in â€Å"Fahrenheit 451† was to give a real life example of what his main character Guy Montag was doing. This allusion is effective if the reader has an understanding of who Machi avelli is and what he contributed to society. Without knowing what Machiavelli did for society the allusion would not be effective.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

No end to this disgrace in sight! Essay

†¢ U. S. Prison Population Soars in 2003, ’04 The population of the nation’s prisons and jails has grown by about 900 inmates each week between mid-2003 and mid-2004, according to figures released Sunday by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. By last June 30 the system held 2. 1 million people, or one in every 138 U. S. residents. †¦ [The] increase can be attributed largely to get-tough policies enacted in the 1980s and 1990s. Among them are mandatory drug sentences, â€Å"three-strikes-and-you’re-out† laws for repeat offenders and â€Å"truth-in-sentencing† laws that restrict early releases. †¦ [M]any of those incarcerated are not serious or violent offenders, but are low-level drug offenders — ABC News, 2005-04-25 It’s a rosy future for the prisons-for-profit industry. †¢ Gregory Palast: Gilded Cage: Wackenhut’s Free Market in Human Misery †¢ A Letter to Barbara Bush †¢ Noam Chomsky: The War on (Certain) Drugs †¢ Lee Rodgers: The Duplicity of the War on Drugs Looking at the accumulated evidence that the Contras and the CIA engaged in cocaine smuggling to fund the covert war in Nicaragua, suspicion arises concerning the apparent coincidence that CIA-Contra drug smuggling was contemporaneous with the ‘war on drugs’. From a CIA covert action in Latin America the cocaine has made its way NORTH (ala Oliver North) to the American consumer, who is consistently portrayed as African-American by the mass media, even though the majority of cocaine consumption is by whites. The disturbing prospect arises that this ‘war on drugs’ was nothing more than CIA-style psychological warfare which sought to acquire as much as possible of the sum total of our civil liberties while particularly targeting minorities. †¢ Daniel Hopsicker: The Secret Heartbeat of America: A New Look at the Mena Story. I will never, as long as I live, forget our ‘Midnight ride to Mena,’ seated beside tour guide and American hero Russell Welch. I’m convinced that what I saw there that night was a fully functional and operational secret government installation. By that, I do not mean a secret installation of the government of the United States of America. Unh-uh. What I believe I saw, and what I believe exists in Mena, Arkansas today †¦ is an installation of the secret government that runs the government of the United States of America. And here’s what I suspect: that today, long after Oliver North has become nothing but a minor league radio DJ †¦ and long after the contra war is just a fading memory of yet another minor league war, our government — yours and mine — is going about the lucrative worldwide business of drug production and distribution. †¢ Peter Webster: Anatomy of a Fiasco: a review of The Swedish Drug Control System As with the understanding of crowd madnesses and ritual persecutions of old, a satisfactory and general theory of our great modern Prohibitionist folly will probably have to await not only the final demise of the madness, but an intervening period of normalization and healing recuperation lasting perhaps several generations. From the perspective of the distant future, historians may well conclude that the centuries-long phenomenon of Substance Prohibition †¦ reached its dizzying peak in the late 20th Century as a climactic exaggeration ad absurdum of a long-enduring collective delusion and paranoia. But even if we could, by virtue of a time machine, read such a theory today, the continued existence of the crowd madness in our midst would certainly preclude any general recognition or acceptance of its validity. Thus, although there now exist a few obscure essays which may someday be seen as harbingers of that still-distant revelation, they will probably have minimal influence on the immediate course of events and we can today do little more than study local details of the Prohibitionist phenomenon and force society to look at the ugly and counterproductive results of its obsession in the ongoing attempt at curing the malady by stages. There seems absolutely no possibility that a great and general truth about Prohibition, no matter how brilliantly expressed, could today awaken Western Civilization from its present nightmare. But in the meanwhile, to assist the growing number of individuals who can see the inevitable if distant dawn of a new rationality, a wealth of excellent literature exists and continues to grow at a gratifying pace. Such literature deals with the â€Å"local details† of the Prohibitionist phenomenon in ways which both illustrate its illogic and destructiveness to society, and suggests practical if only provisional tactics and strategy for limiting the ravages of Prohibition and tackling the difficult task of awakening the general public to its complicity and participation in a crowd madness of major proportions. †¢ Kristianna Tho’Mas: Opium War: Britain Stole Hong Kong From China Governments have been behind the drug trade for a long time. †¢ Illicit Lemon Drops Get Boy a School Suspension — from the Los Angeles Times, 1997-11-20: COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — A 6-year-old boy has been suspended for half a day for bringing â€Å"drugs† to school: lemon drops bought in a health food store. The fire department and an ambulance were called after a teacher found first-grader Seamus Morris giving the candies to a fellow pupil on the playground Oct. 29, said his mother, Shana Morris. She said both boys’ parents were urged to take their children to the hospital for tests, despite her assurances that the lemon drops were harmless. John Bushey, an administrator at Taylor Elementary School, said the half-day suspension was consistent with the district’s drug policy, which treats unfamiliar products as controlled substances. Here’s the original Denver Post story. †¢ How the U. S. Drug War Plays in the European Media According to â€Å"Juan,† the US government is chiefly concerned with getting political and economic advantages from the drug trade †¦ â€Å"Washington uses the DEA to pressure other countries politically. † At times, the US permits drug trafficking so that it can get information to use to â€Å"blackmail foreign governments. † As the Hopsicker article shows, the U. S. State of Arkansas is one of the murky epicenters of the CIA’s smuggling of addictive drugs into America. Finally some light is falling upon the creepie-crawlie characters in this cesspool. The case of Dan Harmon is interesting: †¢ Dan Harmon Indicted. He â€Å"is charged with running a drug-related ‘criminal enterprise’ while serving as prosecuting attorney for the state’s 7th Judicial District and heading its federally funded drug task force. † †¢ Dan Harmon Convicted Despite the apparent wish of the federal prosecutors to take a dive, the jury convicts. †¢ Arkansas Justice An editorial from the Wall Street Journal. †¢ A Question Regarding Harmon â€Å"Harmon ran what a lawyer in Pulaski County recently described as ‘a reign of terror’ in the counties he was sworn to serve. All of that raises the question of why the man was not stopped earlier. † This is just the tip of the iceberg. Those interested in the drug scandals of Arkansas can read more on the CIA page and in the selected messages from the CIADRUGS mailing list. †¢ Crime and the War on Drugs — from Harry Browne’s 1996 U. S. presidential election campaign platform †¢ Vin Suprynowicz: The Big Lie †¢ U. S. to Criminalize Trade in Vitamins Are you a vitamin C abuser? †¢ DEA raid on Shulgin Laboratory †¢ Further information and ongoing reports from the trustee of the Alexander T. Shulgin Trust (including the final report). †¢ Drug lawyer speculates on the future. †¢ The Marijuana Policy Project The MPP is working to chip away at the excesses of the current prohibitionist policies, gradually replacing them with reasonable regulations. †¢ Interview with Michael Levine, former DEA agent, in which he relates his involvement as an undercover agent in heroin and cocaine smuggling in S. E. Asia and South America. †¢ Cocaine Politics — Drugs, Armies and the CIA in Central America A book by an academic and a journalist which exposes the lies and hypocrisy behind the â€Å"war on drugs†. †¢ A review of Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure †¢ A review of The Politics of Consciousness: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom †¢ The Arguments against Cannabis are Flimsy! from the Usenet newsgroup uk. politics. drugs. †¢ The Introduction from the 1996 Positronics Sinsemilla Fanclub Catalogue. There are some countries (considerably more enlightened than the U. S. ) where the â€Å"war on drugs† is perceived even by the government itself to be a lie and a fraud. †¢ Paul Staines: Acid House Parties Against the Lifestyle Police and the Safety Nazis †¢ Costs of cannabis laws outweigh their alleged benefit, an excerpt from Marijuana: The New Prohibition by Professor John Kaplan. †¢ Civil Asset Forfeiture — the end of the rule of law Legal theft in America. †¢ The Introduction to Brenda Grantland’s Your House is Under Arrest You may say this could never happen in America because the U. S. Constitution protects you. There you are wrong, because it is happening in the U. S. — at an alarmingly increasing pace. †¢ Judy Aita: U. N. Drug Report †¢ Licensed to Deal, Marijuana Sellers Put Arizona on the Spot †¢ U. S. prosecutions of pro-marijuana doctors barred At the end of April 1997 a U. S. district judge issued an order temporarily barring the federal government from prosecuting California doctors who recommend marijuana to their patients. †¢ Court gives pot back to epileptic Judge Sheppard stressed that his decision had nothing to do with the recreational use of marijuana but was based on solid proof that the substance is an irreplaceable aid to Mr.Parker’s health problems. He said that to deny Mr. Parker the substance would be to interfere with his right to life, liberty and security of person. Liberty includes the right of an individual to make decisions of personal importance, the judge said, and health is surely one of them. †¢ Steven Silverman: A Harsh Civics Lesson †¢ Dr. Bernhard Haisch: A Viagra-model Solution to the War on Drugs †¢ Medical Use of Cannabis ‘Could Soon be Legal’ †¢ Illicit drug use in the EU: legislative approaches (372 Kb PDF file) †¢ Edgar J. Steele: Pogo Was Right.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Dsm changes (ass 2 psy 5035) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dsm changes (ass 2 psy 5035) - Essay Example The medical community emphasizes that a quality diagnosis comes from objective formats and is consistently reliable. The diagnosis of ADHD seems to be reliable only if done by experienced well trained diagnosticians. These very diagnosticians are calling for stabilizing criteria being added to the DSM (Biederman & Faraone 2005). For many years, the idea that ADHD persists into adulthood has been met with varying degrees of skepticism. Thirty-five studies follow-up studies of children diagnosed with ADHD have shown that it does persist into adulthood. Symptoms ad described in the present DSM do show a decline in the severity of symptoms. By the age of 30-40, clients will no longer meet the full criteria for the diagnosis however clinically significant impairments are still noticeable. There is a noted risk in adults for the comorbitiy of personality disorders, poor occupation performance, traffic accidents, injuries and some anti-social behavior. Additional diagnostic criteria for adults is likely to be added to the diagnostic criteria and it may be broken down at the lower end as well (Biederman & Faraone 2005). More and more very young children are being put on medications. Perhaps adding age specific criteria for under seven should also be added. In many cases, clinicians have taken integrating material into their own hands by using the Connors Assessment System. It is likely in the future such integrating criteria will be included in the diagnostic criteria to provide a more objective outcome. There may be a new developmentally divided list of behaviors including reports from others that will be added (Rassmussen 2004). In an effort to increase diagnostic reliability the new research can be helpful. We now have insight into differences in brain function that can be seen in brain scans. As that becomes more available and more definitive we may see such scans used for diagnosis. We also have more definitive evidence about the

International Business Management (Case Analysis) Case Study - 1

International Business Management ( Analysis) - Case Study Example The relationship between the government and businesses are highly connected and interdependent. Democracy is a political system where citizens participate in the governance and decision-making processes either directly or indirectly through their elected representatives. Freedom is the defining characteristic of democracy. In decentralized democracies such as USA and Canada, companies are likely to face different and conflicting laws from province or state to another. Totalitarianism is a political system where citizens seldom if ever, participate in the governance and decision-making process (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2010). An individual or agent monopolizes power and opposition are intolerable. There is suppression of dissenting voices through the total control of media, police, and other state agencies. With the evolution of democracies, classification of countries follows either the rule of law or the rule of man. The rule of man puts the ultimate power in the hands of a single individual. This is the core of totalitarian governments while the rule of law is the hallmark of democratic governments where authority comes from written transparent laws, the constitution. Intellectual property rights (IPRs) includes exclusive rights of ownership to intangible assets such as copyrights, patents, and trademarks. These intellectual properties are very difficult to create but easy to duplicate, making governments enact legislations to protect people who own these assets (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2010). Governments have created transitional institutions focusing on controlling piracy. They have also criminalized piracy. The frequency and drive for software piracy focus on the key issues such as the accepted legitimacy of piracy, a dream too tall to achieve legally. The degree and standards of software piracy differ greatly from region to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Comparison of Japans Meiji Period with Chinas Great Leap Forward Essay

Comparison of Japans Meiji Period with Chinas Great Leap Forward - Essay Example One of the main reasons why the Meiji Period is considered a success while the Great Leap Forward a failure is due to the length of time each was given to succeed. The Meiji Period occurred over a longer period of time, and so was more likely to succeed. Emperor Meiji decided that Japan needed to establish itself as one of the world’s leading nations both economically and militarily. To fuel this growth, democracy was promoted as a key component of change in Japan. The old feudal lords had their powers decreased to the point where all Japanese citizens were treated equally. Conversely, China’s Great Leap Forward was abandoned after only a few short years because the goals and objectives set forth by Mao were completely unrealistic. He too realized that China needed to catch up to the Western powers, but he did so in a completely different way than Emperor Meiji. Unlike Japan, which had embraced democracy, China was deeply rooted in communist principles. Mao decided that two improvements would significantly boost the Chinese economy: industry and agriculture. He was correct in saying that these are key areas that need to form the backbone of any economy. Where he got it wrong was setting unrealistic goals and targets for the people to reach. Additionally, families were housed in communes and had no control over their own state of affairs. The result of this was that many people starved to death due to a lack of food. Even though both the Meiji Period and Great Leap Forward set out with the same purpose, the reason why one succeeded and one failed is how they went about it. Japan decided to study Western ways of learning; the Japanese education system was Western-based and education became compulsory for every Japanese child.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Digital Marketing Strategies to promote Fashion Antidote Website Essay

Digital Marketing Strategies to promote Fashion Antidote Website - Essay Example The essay "Digital Marketing Strategies to promote Fashion Antidote Website" discusses digital marketing strategy to be used by Fashion Antidote. Fashion Antidote Facebook page is a well-established fashion company that has many customers both in the field and in online. The group has the feeling that Fashion Antidote needs to upgrade its website and especially their Facebook page to be able to be at purr with current fashion trends. As well, with increased innovation at the fashion school, there is need to expose all these to customers so that the company can grow. This means that if Fashion Antidote Facebook page has a fashion show or unique fashion taste it wants to share, the Facebook page is the best way to share all these. Understanding the concept of digital strategy in this case is very vital if a good strategy must be developed. Digital strategy is that overall approach that a company takes after making a decision that they want to invest in online business in order to achie ve their goals. It can involve building the reputation of the business online especially with the focus of being a leader in the area of business. This can also extend to overarching digital strategy of a business in order to migrate the major sales transaction from online to offline. In the development of such a strategy, a company is required to have one major goal as opposed to numerous goals even though there is no much restriction in this. For the Fashion Antidote Facebook page is to be able to capture the latest fashion trends.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Discussion Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Discussion Topic - Essay Example The rise in technological advancement and the sophistication of the war crimes simply means that some of the principles of war adapted in the ancient warfare will certainly become obsolete. Thus, principle 4: Economy of force is one of the principles of war that is likely to change. This is because, this principle was formulated based on the ancient conditions of warfare which emphasized more on combat than unconventional warfare, thus requiring that minimum essential combat power should be allocated to secondary efforts (Paret, et al., 1986). However, owing to the technological changes and the sophistication of the networking of the enemy, there is a need to allocate more resources and combat power on the secondary efforts. This would become an effective deterrence strategy, which will serve the current warfare situation better than the battlefront confrontations with the enemy. Thus, new principles could appear that are aligned to the technological sophistication of the modern warf are. However, it is never possible that war will become obsolete since social conflict is a constant occurrence through

Monday, September 23, 2019

Reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Reflection paper - Essay Example I was told that this was the group to join as a college freshman from the UAE because the members were mostly sophomore and upper classmen who could help me learn the ropes and feel my way around the school community as a freshman. I was hesitant to approach the group at first because I felt embarrassed being a new comer to the school. I was not sure about how to introduce myself and ask to become a member of the group. Little did I know that my fears were totally unfounded. I was totally surprised when Ahmad Kabalawi, the president of the Middle Eastern Student Association himself approached me one time to introduce himself and ask if I wanted to attend a group meeting after classes the coming Saturday. Relief swept over me as I accepted the invitation. It turns out that it was not hard to join the group at all and they had been wondering as to why I had not approached them yet after a month of classes opening. I was so happy to join this group because they helped me overcome a lot of personal inhibitions that I had at the time. Being a new student whose first time it was away from home and my parents, I had a tendency to become very homesick. The senior members of the group helped me overcome my homesickness and desire to go home by keeping me busy in between classes. I was never alone because they always had group activities that I could participate in after classes and, most specially, I had a group of friend who understood my culture and belief system. That was very important to me because I needed to be able to keep a sense of home and my individuality while I attended school in the USA. I celebrated the important Middle Eastern and UAE holidays with the members of this group. When we were not busy bonding with each other, I helped them with their cultural information dissemination activities. We would sponsor mixers and hold friendly gatherings both on and off campus with others who were not from the Middle East in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Guarding Our Ecosystems - Marshlands and Wetlands Essay Example for Free

Guarding Our Ecosystems Marshlands and Wetlands Essay In the last decade, the conservation of our ecosystem has gained high importance. The last few years have seen a considerable jump on awareness of the conservation of marshlands. Marshlands or wetlands are areas which are transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems. Here the water is usually at the surface. The land is covered by stagnant water that does not exceed 6 meters. They are considered important as they are home to various species of flora and fauna. Wetlands covers 6 %of the earth`s land surface. This includes marshes, mangroves fens, swamps, lagoons etc. They store water for a long period of time and help keep floods in check. They also prevent coastal erosion. Despite the fact that these marshlands are important the reduction in the levels of these areas are very apparent .The government, in a census, has identified 648,507 hectares of wetlands in India and it has estimated that freshwater wetlands constitute up to roughly 20% of the biodiversity in India. Studies have proved alarming levels of marshland destruction in India. This level has been estimated by experts at up to 2-3% reduction per year. Pallikaranai Marsh Pallikaranai is locally known as Kazhiveli (a generic Tamil name for marshes and swamps). It is situated in Chennai and is one such important marshland which has been in the preview of the government and NGOs alike. This marshland is a 50 km wetland located in the South of Chennai. Pallikaranai Marsh has the most diverse natural habitats of the country with over 330 species of plants and animals. According to a census taken by an NGO group Namma Pallikaranai, the heterogeneous ecosystem of the marshland supports about 337 species of flora and fauna. Of the faunal groups, birds, fishes and reptiles are the most prominent. Further it has been identified that Pallikaranai marsh is home to 115 species of birds, 10 species of mammals, 21 species of reptiles, 10 species of amphibians, 46 species of fishes, 9 species of molluscans, 5 species of crustaceans and 7 species of butterflies. About 114 species of plants are found in the wetland including 29 species of grass. The problem Pallikaranai is facing the problem of reduction of the marshland. The area of  the Pallikaranai marshland has been reduced to a mere 600 hectares from the original 6,000 hectares. The government, however, has protected only 317 hectares Construction of buildings in the surrounding areas of the marsh has been one of the factors to this reduction of the levels of the marshlands. The marsh is also contaminated with millions of liters of untreated sewage. The main problem, however, is the dumping and burning of garbage. Over 250 acres of the marsh is covered by the citys garbage as this is one of the major dumping grounds. The garbage is dumped in the marsh and later burned. According to a survey conducted by the pollution control board, the levels of respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) is double than the permissible level of 100 micrograms per cubic meter. This could cause harmful effects to the residents near the marsh area. Burning the garbage also kills the different plants and animals in the marsh. There have been a significant number of birds and animals which were found dead due to the spreading of fires. â€Å"We have complained several times. But garbage is still being burnt in the marshes. The pollution when the garbage is being burnt is affecting us a lot†, says Uma .P, a resident of the area. Government steps A project on ‘Inland Wetlands of India’ commissioned by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India had prioritized Pallikaranai Marsh as one of the most significant wetlands of the country. The government has taken various steps to preserve this marsh. The High Court of Madras has passed laws regarding the preservation of Pallikaranai marshland, which in its rulings have stated provisions to conserve the marsh The High Court has also stated that an alternative place must be decided by the corporation for a place to dump the corporation waste. Further, the High Court has prohibited burning of waste in the marshlands. The main proposal of the Tamil Nadu government notification, 320.17 hectares (790.82 acres) of Pallikaranai marshland as reserved forests and to evict occupants who are not authorized to be there from the reserved area has been implemented. Some parts of the marsh have come under the forest department and have been recognized as a reserve by the government. This has come after a delay in providing the land since 2011. They have provided the 170 hectors to complete the restoration of the marsh. Restoration of these marshes has  started. This move of the government has been welcomed by the residents of the area. â€Å"I hope no more garbage will be dumped and burned in the marsh as this has caused major pollution problems in this area. The government must ensure that such problems don’t occur in the future† Says Rashmi.G , a resident of Pallikarnai Experts have stated the need to establish a single coordination agency with all stakeholders like environmental activists, government officials and researchers to establish the restoration of this project. The government, with the agenda of conserving the marsh has sanctioned a programme to take up a restoration project which is estimated to cost Rs.15.75 crore along with this a boost of R.s 5 crore has been provided to increase and restore the Pallikarnai marsh. The conservation plan according to an official report by the environment ministry states that the restoration plan includes the removal of weeds, formation of bunds, dredging water courses and forming a nature trail alongside the boundary of the marshland. This will take around 5 years for the government to complete its restoration plans for the Pallikaranai marsh.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Stop gambling Essay Example for Free

Stop gambling Essay Today, I’m going to talk about gambling. Nowadays, gambling becomes a entertainment in our life. Some people go there just for fun, but most people go there for money, they think they can make money by gambling. As we known, only very few people can make money from gambling, the winner always not belong to gamblers, so the problem comes out. Most people with gambling problems say they lost control over how much time and money they spend on gambling. Meanwhile, they ignored other responsibilities. They knew they had problems, but only gambling seemed important. Many people who gamble overly have mixed feelings about gambling. They know they are causing problems for the people they love. They may become anxious and unhappy, and often hate themselves. They feel they can’t give up on all the time, money and emotion they have put into gambling. They can’t accept that they will never win the money back what they have lost. Some people still believe their system will pay off, their luck will change or they are due to win. Others believe continue to gamble is the only way to get the money back. Eventually they will lose their money, family, even life. Also, it will make some serious consequences, like suicide, crime, and destructive behaviors. Other people promise to quit, but it is not easy. If they quit now, they will feel like a loser. They will have to face all the problems that gambling has caused. But, only to stop gambling can help them to start a new life. So here are some solutions to help people to quit the gambling. 1 Make a decision on a given day when you wake up that you will not gamble. Decide that for this one day you will not gamble. If you have to do it an hour at a time, it is okay. Sometimes you may have to do it in a minute at a time. it is okay, as you promise yourself in a given moment that you will not gamble. Schedule your day in a very structured way so you do not have a lot of free time. This can really help a lot, as you will have no time to gamble. 2. Find something at that time to replace your gambling. One of the way to quit gambling is to be able to find healthy replacements that will substitute for your gambling activities. Exercise, go shopping, go out with friends, or do some cooking. You can also watch a movie, or listen to some soft music or do some reading and so on. Anything, and I mean anything not go back to gamble. Your goal is to stop gambling, or begin to reduce gambling frequency. 3. Remember the feeling when you leave the casino or lost a lot of money on a bet. Think about how bad it feels when you lose a lot of money. Remember that feeling, and allow yourself to feel that feeling when you are gambling again. Sometimes these feelings can exactly imitate how you feel after a gambling. This can really stop you from going out and placing a bet. So my conclusion is gambling as a entertainment is ok for people, but if you addict to it, eventually you will get hurt. So before gambling, please ask yourself, how you going to be responsible of yourself, your family, and your future.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Chemical Structures and Excipient Profile of Drugs

Chemical Structures and Excipient Profile of Drugs DRUG AND EXCIPIENT PROFILE CAFFEINE Chemical structure: Mol. Weight: Average: 194.1906 Melting point: 238  °C State: solid Water solubility: 2.16E+004 mg/L (at 25  °C) Half Life: 3 7 hours in geriatrics , 65 130 hours in pediatrics Protein Binding: Low protein binding (25 36%) Absorption: absorbed after oral and parenteral administration. The peak plasma level of caffeine ranges from 6 to 10mg/L and the mean time to reach peak concentration ranged from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Pharmacology: Caffeine is a naturally occurring xanthine derivative like theobromine and the bronchodilator theophylline. It is used as a CNS stimulant, mild diuretic, and respiratory stimulant (in neonates). Often combined with analgesics or with ergot alkaloids, caffeine is used to treat migraine and other types of headache. Over the counter, caffeine is used to treat drowsiness or mild water-weight gain. Mechanism of Action: Caffeine stimulates medullary, vagal, vasomotor, and respiratory centers, promoting bradycardia, vasoconstriction, and increased respiratory rate. This action was previously believed to be due primarily to increased intracellular cyclic 3†²,5†²-adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP) following inhibition of phosphodiesterase, the enzyme that degrades cyclic AMP. Xanthines such as caffeine act as antagonists at adenosine-receptors within the plasma membrane of virtually every cell. As adenosine acts as an autocoid, inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters from presynaptic sites but augmenting the actions of nor epinephrine or angiotensin, antagonist of adenosine receptors promotes neurotransmitter release. This explains the stimulatory effects of caffeine. Blockage of the adenosine A1 receptor in the heart leads to the accelerated, pronounced pounding of the heart upon caffeine intake. Indication: For management of fatigue, orthostatic hypotension, and for the short term treatment of apnea of prematurity in neonates. Toxicity: LD50= 127 mg/kg (oral dose in mice) ERGOTAMINE Chemical structure: Mol. Weight: Average: 581.6615 Melting point: 213.5  °C State: solid state Water solubility: Slightly soluble Half Life: 2 hours Absorption: The bioavailability of sublingual ergotamine has not been determined. Pharmacology: Ergotamine is a vasoconstrictor and alpha adrenoreceptor antagonist. The pharmacology of ergotamine is extremely complex; some of its actions are unrelated to each other, and even mutually antagonistic. The drug has partial agonist and antagonist activity against tryptaminergic, dopaminergic and alpha adrenergic receptors depending upon the site, and is highly active uterine stimulant. It causes constriction of peripheral and cranial blood vessels and producing depression of central vasomotor centers. The pain of a migraine attack is due to increased amplitude of pulsations in the cranial arteries, especially the meningeal branches of the external carotid artery. Ergotamine reduces extra cranial blood flow, causes a decline in the amplitude of pulsation in the cranial arteries, and decreases hyper perfusion of the territory of the basilar artery. It does not reduce cerebral hemispheric blood flow. Mechanism of Action: Ergotamine acts on migraine by one of the two proposed mechanisms: 1) activation of 5-HT1D receptors located on intracranial blood vessels, including those on arteriole-venous anastomoses, leads to vasoconstriction, which correlates with the relief of migraine, and 2) Activation of 5-HT1D receptors on sensory nerve endings of the trigeminal system which results in inhibition of pro-inflammatory neuropeptide release. Indication: For use as therapy to abort or prevent vascular type of headache, e.g., migraine, migraine variants, or so called histaminic cephalalgia. Toxicity: Signs of overexposure including irritation, nausea, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, thirst, coldness of skin, pruritus, weak pulse, numbness, tingling of extremities, and confusion. CYCLIZINE Chemical structure: Mol. Weight: Average: 266.38 Melting point: 105.5  °C State: solid state Water solubility: 1000 mg/L (at 25  °C) Half Life: 20 hours Pharmacology: Cyclizine is a piperazine derivative antihistamine used as antivertigo/antiemetic agent. Cyclizine is used in the prevention and treatment of nausea, vomiting, and dizziness associated with motion sickness. Additionally, it has been used in the management of vertigo in disease affecting the vestibular apparatus. The mechanism by which cyclizine exerts its antiemetic and antivertigo effects is not been fully elucidated, its central anticholinergic properties are partially responsible. The drug depresses labyrinth excitability and vestibular stimulation, and it may affects medullary chemoreceptor trigger zone. It also possesses anticholinergic, antihistaminic, central nervous system depressant, and local anesthetic effects. Mechanism of Action: Vomiting (emesis) is essentially a protective mechanism for removing irritant and harmful substances from the upper GI tract. Emesis is controlled by the vomiting centre in the medulla region of the brain, an important part of which is the chemotrigger zone (CTZ). The vomiting centre possesse neurons which are rich in muscarinic cholinergic and histamine containing synapses. These types of neurons are especially involved in transmission from the vestibular apparatus to the vomiting centre. Motion sickness involves overstimulation of the pathways due to various sensory stimuli. Hence the action of cyclizine which acts to block the histamine receptors in the vomiting centre and thus reducing the activity along these pathways. Furthermore since cyclizine possesses anti-cholinergic properties as well, the muscarinic receptors are similarly blocked. Indication: For prevention and treatment of the nausea, vomiting, and dizziness that are associated with motion sickness, and vertigo (dizziness caused by other medical problems). EXCIPIENT PROFILE MANNITOL Synonym: D –mannite, manna sugar, cordycepic acid, pearlitol. Emperical Formula: C6H14O6 Molecular Weight: Approx. 182.17 Description: Mannitol is a white , Odorless, crystalline powder or free flowing granules .It has sweet taste , approximately as sweet as glucose and half as sweet as sucrose, impart the cooling sensation in the mouth. Density, bulk: 0.430 g/cm3 for powder 0.7g/cm3for granules Density, tapped: 0.734gm /cm3for powder, 0.8gm/cm3 for granules. Solubility: Freely soluble in water, very slightly soluble in ethanol (96 per cent). It shows polymorphism. Incompatibility: Mannitol is incompatible with xytilol infusion and may form complexes with some metals such as aluminum, copper and iron. Mannitol was found to reduce bioavailability of cemitidine compared to sucrose. Handling precaution: Mannitol may be irritate to eye, eye protection is recommended. Uses: Diluents (10-90%w/w), mannitol is used as excipient in the manufacture of chewable tablet because of its negative heat of solution, sweetness and mouth feel. MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE Synonym: Cellulose gel, crystalline cellulose, Avicel PH 101, 102 Empirical Formula: (C6H10O5)n Molecular weight: Approx.36000 Description: Purified, partially depolymerised cellulose occurs as a white, tasteless odorless, crystalline, powder that is composed of porous particles available in different particle size grades with different properties , i.e. 101 ,102 Bulk Density: 0.28gm/cm 3 Tapped Density: 0.43gm/cm3 Solubility: Insoluble in water, dilute acids and most organic solvents .Slightly soluble in sodium hydroxide solution. Stability and storage condition: Stable and hygroscopic. Store in a well – closed container. Incompatibility: None cited in the literature. Handling precautions: No restrictions. Uses: Tablet binder / diluents (5-20%), tablet disintegrant (5-15%), tablet glidant (5-15%) antiadherent (5-20%), capsule diluents (10-30%) CROSSCARMELLOSE SODIUM In a cross linked polymer of carboxymethylcellulose sodium. Synonym: Ac-DI-Sol; Molecular formula: C8H16O8 Molecular weight: 240.20784 Description: It occurs as an odorless, white or grayish white powder. Density, bulk: 0.529gm/cm3 Density, tapped: 0.819gm/cm3 Stability and storage condition: It is stable though hygroscopic material, preserve in well closed container in cool and dry place. Incompatibilities: The efficacy of disintegration may be slightly reduced in tablet formulation prepared by either the wet granulation or direct compression that contains hygroscopic excipients such as Sorbitol. Handling precautions: It may be irritant to eye. Eye protection is recommended. Uses: It is used in oral pharmaceutical formulation as, a disintegrant for capsule, tablets, and granules. SODIUM STARCH GLYCOLATE Sodium salt of cross linked partly o- carboxymethylated potato starch.. Synonym: Carboxy methyl cellulose, sodium salt, exeplosol, explotab. Description: White or almost white free flowing powder, very hygroscopic. Density, bulk: 0.75gm/cm3 Density, tapped: 0.95gm/cm3 Solubility: Practically insoluble in Methylene chloride. It gives a translucent suspension in water. Stability and Storage: It is stable and should be stored in a well closed container in cool and dry place. Incompatibilities: It is incompatible with ascorbic acid. Handling precautions: Eye protection, glove and a dust mask are recommended. Uses: It is use in oral pharmaceutical formulation as a disintegrant for capsule, tablet, and granules. TALC It is hydrous magnesium silicate may contain a small amount of aluminium silicateand iron. Nonpropritery Name: Purified Talc (BP), Talc (JP), Talc (USP). Synonym: A talc, hydrous magnesium calcium silicate; powdered talc. Empirical Formula: Mg ­6 (Si2O5) (OH) 4 Description: A very fine, white to grayish-white, impalpable, odorless, crystalline powder. Adheres readily to skin soft to touch and free from grittiness. Density, bulk: 19gm/cm3 Density, tapped: 48gm/cm3 Solubility: Insoluble in water, organic solvents, cold acid. Stability and Storage: Stable, preserve in well closed container. Incompatibilities: It is incompatible with quaternary ammonium compounds. Handling Precaution: Eye protection, gloves, and respirator are recommended. Uses: It is use a s glidant, lubricant (1-10%), Diluents5-30%, Dusting powder 90-99% MAGNESIUM STEARATE Synonym: Metallic stearate; octadecanoic acid; magnesium salt; Stearic acid. Nonproprietary Name: Magnesium Stearate (BP); Magnesium Stearate (JP); Magnesium Stearate (USP). Empirical Formula: C36H70MgO4 Molecular Weight: 591.3 Description: Fine, white, precipitated or milled, impalpable powder of low bulk density. Odour and taste are slight but characteristic. The powder is readily adheres to the skin. Density, bulk: 0.519 gm/cm3 Density, tapped: 0.286gm/cm3 Melting point: 117-1500C Stability And Storage Condition: Stable, non self polymerisable, store in cool and dry place in a well closed container. Incompatibilities: Incompatable with strong acid substances, alkaline substances, iron salts, avoid mixing with strong oxidizing materials. Use with caution with drugs , which are incompatible with alkali. Uses: tablet and capsule lubricant, glidant or antiadherent (0.25-2.0%).(Brunye et al., 2010) (Mohammadi and Kanfer, 2005) (Shapiro and Cowan, 2006) (Tsutsumi et al., 2002)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Darkness and Evil in Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Darkness and Evil in Macbeth  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Darkness in our society is indicative of evil. For instance, a black cat, a dark night, and a dark place are all symbolic of diablerie. Authors use these symbols to describe an evil character or setting. William Shakespeare employs the imagery of darkness in Act 4 of his play Macbeth to describe the agents of disorder. The witches, Macbeth, and Scotland are all described as dark because they represent the agents of chaos.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The witches in the first scene of Act 4 are depicted as agents of chaos because of the dark domain around them. The witches meet in a dark cave. The cave is an appropriate setting for the witches because caves tend to represent the under-world and hell, creating a feeling of evil. The witches appearance, "secret, black, and midnight hags" also indicates their evil nature. The witches dark meeting place and dark appearance all emphasize their destructive nature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Macbeth in Act 4: consulted with the witches, murdered Macduff's family, and continued to create chaos in Scotland. Macbeth   in Act 4 is described as an agent of disorder, "untitled tyrant   bloody-sceptered". The language in Act 1 that described Macbeth has changed from "noble" and "kind" to the diction of Act 4 witch describes Macbeth as "black Macbeth" and a "tyrant". The Castle that Macbeth lives in, Dunsanine is also indicative of darkness. Dunsanine is similar to the word dungeon a dark and dirty place. In Act 4 Macbeth is an agent of disorder, he murders and he consults witches,   because of this he is described using dark imagery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scotland under the rule of Macbeth is described as, "shrouded   in darkness", by Malcolm. Scotland in Act 4 has fallen off the "Chain   of Being" and is now occupied with the forces of chaos and disorder.   Scotland in Act 4 is filled with "sighs, and groans, and shrieks, that   rent the air". Scotland is described by Ross as, "O Nation Miserable".   All these descriptions of Scotland portray Scotland as a place where the agents of darkness have shrouded the land.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The agents of chaos and disorder were symbolized by darkness in Act 4. The witches were described as, "dark as midnight"; Macbeth was described as , "devilish and dark"; and Scotland was described as "dying". The imagery of darkness also plays an important role in character development.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Great Expectations By Charles Dickens :: Great Expectations Charles Dickens Essays

Great Expectations By Charles Dickens Charles Dickens makes this extract memorable and significant as it is the first time Pip, a working class boy from the forge, meets Miss Havisham and Estella who are going to have an important and significant affect on his life. Pip is invited to Miss Havisham's residence Statis house. This is important as he doesn't know why he was invited and before he goes he is told there may be something in this for him. The reader knows this might be true due to the title of the play "Great Expectations" Dickens makes Pip's first encounter with Miss Havisham and Estella at Statis House a significant and memorable point in the novel in a number of ways. The first point that makes it memorable is that it is written in first person narrative. Pip says "sat the strangest lady I have ever seen, or ever shall see". This image is seen through the eyes of a child so it will be memorable to him as he will never forget this lady. This also gives the reader first hand experience into what Pip is seeing. Another point why Dickens makes this a significant and memorable part of the novel is that at the beginning of the extract we do not know who the lady is. Dickens uses pronouns to name her, he uses words like "she" and "her". This makes it significant as Dickens is building up an appearance of the character before he tells you her name. Dickens makes a memorable part of the novel when he describes the lady's clothes. He says "she had a long white veil dependant from her hair and she had bridal flowers in her hair". This gives the impression of a young bride. Dickens uses the adversative clause "but" so we know something is going to be wrong. Dickens then says "her hair was white". This then changes the reader's perception of the character so this is why it is memorable as it now sticks in the readers head. Another memorable part of the extract is how Dickens gets across that this lady is wealthy. Dickens just doesn't say she is rich he describes her assets that pip can see in the room. He describes the fabrics "rich material- satins, and lace, and silks". He also describes her jewellery "bright jewels" and "some other jewels lay sparkling on the table". These all tell you how rich she is and the adjectives "bright" and "sparkling" makes it memorable to the character and the reader. A way Dickens makes this a memorable and significant part of the extract is when he describes what sees when he enters the room, he

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Economics Aeropostale Essay

In March 2007, Aà ©ropostale was accused of infringing a patent owned by Card Activation Technologies, Inc. in a lawsuit filed in the Northern District of Illinois. However, in a separate lawsuit on the same patent, Card Activation received a ruling on claim construction which it interpreted as â€Å"extremely favorable† to its interpretation of the patent and its â€Å"pursuit of infringers† of the patent. In June 2007, Aà ©ropostale was accused of infringing a patent owned by Picture Patents, LLC in a lawsuit filed in the Southern District of New York. In July 2009, Aà ©ropostale was accused of infringing a patent owned by Furnace Brook, LLC in a lawsuit filed in the Northern District of Illinois Executive Vice President and Chief Merchandising Officer Christopher Finazzo was terminated in November 2006 after an investigation by the Board of Directors revealed that he had concealed and failed to disclose personal and business interests with South Bay Apparel, a maj or vendor. The SEC issued an investigation on the Finazzo matter in January 2008. Aeropostale, also under the name Aero, is an American clothing retailer that was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in New York. There are a number of reasons Aeropostale started their own business. When you start a business it’s a good idea to have a business plan that outlines your goals and objectives for the short term and long term. A business plan serves as a blueprint designed to help you grow and develop your business, and ultimately helps shield it from failure. Kara, Postale started the company then Sara(aera) (Kara’s sister came along) that’s how the company got started. So they put there last name and first name together and it turned out to be Sarah postale but they didn’t like that name in 1985 then they changed it to aeropostale because it sounded better and that started in 1987.

Monday, September 16, 2019

TOK: Subjective Nature of Perspective in Arts & Science

Knowledge Issue: To what extent may the subjective nature of perception be regarded as an advantage for artists but an obstacle to be overcome by scientists? A person who produces paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby is called an Artist. All artists have a way to express their art works. These expressions are usually recognized by different kinds of perspectives. One of the most common ways used to evaluate art works is through the subjective nature of perspective. When it comes to the word subjective, the relation of thoughts is automatically based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. Now, most artists take this technique as an advantage of manipulating/ provoking the viewers’ mind into liking their painting or any kind of artworks based on their the personal tastes. The one thing that helps them understand of the public interest is by generalization. We all know that opinions are mostly personal. But when it comes to society, our personal opinions do not really matter in the public eye. The only few opinions that are accepted into the social world are the ones set by the policy makers of society. These perspectives are mostly advertised through television or any kind of social networks that heeds the public. For this reason alone, people are blindly attracted by the ‘social magnet’ to follow this so-called social quo. Without realizing, we as social butterflies, stand under the one who controls our strings in society. This functions perfectly for Artists, since they have the advantage to create the ultimate theme or setting for certain periods of time in society with the help of their subjective nature of perspective. This is proven over time; Artists have created themes that develop from renaissance to abstract, to pop art, to post-modern art that we have today. Sometimes, some artists may decide to create something that no one else seems to understand, but somehow got through in society. For example, in 1917, Marcel Duchamp signed a urinal with fake initials of â€Å"R. Mutt† and placed it in a museum. Without any particular reason it became so popular in the public eye. One of the most probable reasons for this is because most people observe his ‘artwork’ through the subjective nature of perspective, rather than combining it with the objective nature of perspective. As one opinion is made, it is then spread all over society causing people to believe that this subjective opinion is the one they should have, hence the domino effect. However, the subjective nature of perspective also has a way of becoming an obstacle for some groups in society. One group that struggles with this subjective nature of perspective is the Scientists. Scientists are people who are studying or have expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences. Scientists have a hard time with the subjective nature of perspective, because most of their observations and analysis is based on the objectives, rather than the subjective point of view. Their way of thinking is very firm and relates to the physical matter of things. They don’t depend on the mind for existence. This makes their judgment unbiased or impartial. This is why most of the scientific papers or reports have a certain rule for the experiments and data collection not to be biased. Their perspectives need to have strong reasons to back up their opinions for certain outcome they state. They pay attention to personal judgments; because it is what helps them elaborates methods and discoveries they made in their field. If one day, a new scientist came along and he/ she decides to give a subjective statement during a scientist conference meeting, he/ she will definitely be called out of the group because they have not successfully helped the group to decipher the missing piece to their scientific riddle. After all, science itself is the intellectual and practical activity. It encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation experiment. Therefore, scientists’ judgments are characterized by the methods and principles of science, meaning they have to avoid using the subjective nature of perspective since it does not relate to the physical and natural matter of things. In the end, its bias can lead to a scientific misconduct. We can tell that these two groups are in contrast of each other. One is very focused with the emotional judgment, while the other focuses more on the physical matter of the judgment. They sum up the contrast of an unrealistic and realistic world. When combined together, these two perspectives used by artists and scientists will only create a new theorem of a new world of perspective, which can only be understood by the viewers/ observers, because once our brains are adjusted with one nature of perspective (either subjective or objective), we will find a hard time adjusting with other groups who have a different point of view to the world. Perspective itself afterwards is complicated at its foundation. Looking from different angles with our naked eyes can be tough sometimes. But as feelings of emotions and factual existence correlate, possibilities of a better technique in different kinds of fields will be made. This new theory also along with other works in different forms of arts (music, theatre) and fields of research. Creating an unrealistic imagery through a realistic interpretation will enable the viewers to engage deeply into the artwork. But is it possible for scientists to apply the same theory in their field? So, is it possible for both artist and scientists to have a correlation between subjective and objective matter? After all, opposites do attract.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Study of the Impact of Health Care Management and Health Care Delivery on the Health Status of Gabonese

This research paper is aimed to show the impact of the health care management and health care delivery on the health status of the Gabonese.The study, impact assessment of health care management and health care delivery profile will builds up from previous work and is expected to serve as a future building block that advances the conceptualization and practical understanding of how to evaluate the competence of health care management and delivery in Gabon.Throughout Gabon, there is a growing consensus about the nature and importance of health care management and delivery competence a necessary component to accessible, responsive and high quality health care (Gerardi, 2004).Nevertheless, the pursuit of competence in health care management and delivery institutions is somehow constrained partly by the health industries’ deficiency of a systematic procedures and instruments for assessing competence in relation to health care status.The health care management and delivery will be gauged on its presence, quality level as well as its contribution to good health and health care of the entire population of Gabon.The particular aims of the research are to develop an analytic framework for accessing the impact of health care management and health care delivery in the health care delivery organizations, point out specific indicators that can be used in connection to the framework as well as assessing the importance, feasibility and practical implication of the framework and its indicators.The health status indicators in Gabon will mainly be focused on quality of provision of primary health care, general mortality rates for both adults and children and the effects of health care management and delivery on average life expectancy of the people of Gabon (MSH, 1991).Problem of the StatementTo study the impact of health care management and health care delivery in Gabon, the research team will apply various methods to reach these objectives.   The research team will so licit inputs from individuals with wide expertise on issues related to health care management and delivery.These individuals will share information, insights as well as opinions throughout the research period on ongoing basis through meetings and written commentaries.   The research team will also receive inputs from a wide range of key informants in private and public sector who have knowledge on health care management and health care delivery in Gabon.Further, the research will also include inputs from workshops with the public in different zones.   Finally, the research team will make visits to best practice settings in the health care delivery institutions that have been recognized by the public for their creative and innovation in the health care delivery.Visits will be made to both public and private health care facilities.   The sites to be visited should be varied in size, population served, auspices as well as history and scope of health care management and delivery c ompetence activities.   These visits will offer opportunities to get experience-based practical views about the impact of health care management and health care delivery in Gabon.The research intends to use an interactive process in developing the research findings.   Initially, there will be preliminary assessment of guidelines and initial set of indicators’ needs to be developed in literature review.This will be followed closely by refining the preliminary framework, set of indicators and related assumptions.   This will be done by considering the feedback from the key informants, input from the professionals in the health care industry as well as findings from site visits.Finally, the framework and indicators resulting from this refinement will further be revised based on the wide range of inputs from the experts as well as various persons contacted during the site visits.   The final report of the findings of the research will be compiled and presented for analysi s and evaluation.   For this research purposes, the health care management and delivery will be referred to as behaviors, policies and attitudes that combine in a system among professionals and/or agency in agency in facilitating the above to work effectively in improving the health status of the Gabonese. To develop tools to access the impact in the context of health care, the research team is to concentrate on organizational level only.The organizational structure in health management and delivery is an integral part of systematic patient-centred and has the momentum to improve the access to care, quality of care as well as health outcomes (MSH, 1991).The organization normally serves as the driving force in the development and maintenance of individual health care provider competence by providing the managers, policies and systems that support the experiences they encounter.   Moreover organizational culture affects the service delivery and also serves as a mechanism for maint aining quality health care delivery.Historical Perspective of Health Care Management and DeliveryResearch and other studies have indicated that late neo-natal deaths are attributed to perinatally related experiences.   The survival of infants at 24-27 weeks gestation depends on the effectiveness of maternal and/or prenatal care (Weir, et al, 1993).   Although Gabon’s expenditure on health care provision is higher, infant survival rates are low relative to other developing countries.Lower child maternal rates in Gabon can be avoided by improving the policy of health care delivery mainly by focusing on process issues. Recent studies show that prenatal maternal rates in Gabon are approximately 82 per every 1,000 total births and there is gradual increase in rate over time (Weir, et al, 1993).Prenatal deaths are mostly caused by asphyxia, immaturity and macerated stillbirth.   The prevalence of low birth weight babies, multiple pregnancies and admitted patients are some of the major reasons for high mortality rates, particularly in Gabon.To reduce the current high prenatal maternal rates in Gabon, public education on danger signs of prolonged labour and regular training of health professionals as well as improving neo-dental facilities are very important.   Recent studies on global prenatal mortality figures show that between 6 and 7 million prenatal deaths occur for every 132 million births per year (MSH, 1991).It also shows that the dominant causes of those prenatal deaths were mainly caused by poor maternal health, early child bearing and most importantly, lack of appropriate and quality health delivery.   Although technology has provided medical service providers with life-saving practices, almost â…“ of mothers have no access to services during pregnancy and also do not have access to service for childbirth.Infectious diseases such as pneumonia, influenza, malaria as well as tuberculosis are the main causes of mortality in the 20th centu ry in Gabon (Gerardi, 2004).   In the same vein recently measles, cholera as well as intestinal infections are continually and regularly causing mortality in Gabon and many other parts of the world.There has been substantial reduction of prevalence and impact of the above-mentioned diseases due to current improved control of environment, personal hygiene, medical facilities, proper management of human waste as well as dispensation including proper vaccination.Due to the laissez-faires attitude of the populace and government in Gabon maternal health and infant mortality has been a very hot issue.   These problems are considered to occur as a result of ignorance, lack of commitment, corruption, illiteracy and apathy among medical health care delivery institutions.For the health of mothers and their new born in Gabon, racial differences play an integral part towards immunity to medical situations.   West Africans and their descendants normally have resistance from malaria and hoo kworms and to be specific, in the case of malaria, West Africans’ red cells do not have the Duffy antigen (Weir, et al, 1993). This antigen normally acts as a receptor where parasites attain entrance to the same.  Moreover, a relative resistance to more acute types of P. falcipanum such as cerebral malaria is normally displayed by haemoglobin carriers such as Sickle-cell traits and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenate deficiency.   Maternal antibodies protect the child from malaria in utero and initially after birth.   Research and other studies emanating from Gabon shows that malaria is the highest cause of mortality all over the country.On the other hand, measles infections which show symptoms such as rash and fever normally cannot be differentiated from malaria.   A lot of disability to children in Gabon in the recent past can be attributed to measles.   Polio is also a major disease condition in Gabon.   This is due to the many disabilities and deaths it has caus ed.   Survivors of polio always tend to turn out to be beggars, crippled and handicapped as well as devastated by the impact of poliomyelitis.In Gabon, another cause of high death rates is Diptheria.   In mothers and infants tetanus is also a major cause of mortality (Gerardi, 2004).   This is because they are exposed to bacterial infection at childbirth as well as wound injury.   Since this normally caused lock jaw and seizures in patients it results to high death rates.These diseases can be prevented by the introduction of health vaccination in Gabon.   Further, septic abortion, puerperal fever as well as threatened abortion which normally lead to streptococci entering the uterus at childbirth hence causing endomteritis is also a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in Gabon.   Ã‚  In short, HIV/AIDS, malaria, syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, measles among others are presenting a very challenging issue in general health status of the populace in Gabon.Main concern affecting the Health CareLack of education among women is one of the major factors concerning effective delivery of health care.   This is because it leads to individuals not to sufficiently understand the danger signs of adverse medical conditions as well as not being capable of following the prescription.Further, there has been discrimination in the provision of health care in terms of how wealthy one, is poverty status, race as well as nationality.   Also in the rapid increase in population, the health care costs are also increasing and this raises concern about the quality of health care delivery and financing, that is, in the case of public hospitals in Gabon.Changing facilities, participation of women labour force and increased divorce cases leads to little care to individuals with disabilities by relatives and thus increasing demand for the government design public and social program to take care of the affected (Weir, et al, 1993).   Also, diseases such as HIV /AIDS among other incurable diseases are of major concern to the health care fraternity.The impact of inadequacyPoor governance and in particular in health care management and health care delivery can lead to poor health status among the Gabonese people.   This is because it would lead to corruption where the medical facilities and drugs will be embezzled by some individuals for their own beneficial gains.   Also, inadequate governance can lead to discrimination in the provision of health care in terms of various individual orientation (Gerardi, 2004).These orientations can include economic status, level of literacy, ethnicity among many others.   This can in turn affect the general socio-economical development of the people of Gabon.ConclusionPoor health management and health care delivery impacts negatively on health status of any given populace.   In this modern era in Gabon rapid population increase as well as increased environmental disease conditions exposures the pros pects of population health in Gabon could be an acute national health public issue.   Serious and targeted health care management and health care delivery planning should be put into play to prevent medical situations catastrophe.This can be done well with first of all evaluating the current health status situation in Gabon.   Secondly it can also be done by designing best strategies towards effective prevention and management of the outcomes. It is critical that a concrete and realistic health care management and health care delivery policies should be put in place.   This can result to a remarkable improvement of health status of the Gabonese.ReferenceGerardi, D., (2004).   Using Medication Techniques to Manage Conflicts and Create Healthy Work Environments.   American Association of Critical Care Nurses Clinical Issues. 15.Management Sciences for Health (MSH). (1991). International drug price indicator guide.Weir, M. J., and Ogundiran, A. (1993). A Syndrome based STD su rveillance system for Nigeria. [Abstract]. In: 9th International Conference on AIDS/4th STD World Congress, Volume 1, Berlin, Germany.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Analogy of Nature vs Nurture

The Human Genome Project, which has attracted its fair share of controversy, set out in the early 1990s to map all 25,000 genes of the human genome (â€Å"About†). The hope was that such discoveries would provide a roadmap to the specific genes which could â€Å"allow us to accurately predict who will develop heart disease, become violent, or become homosexual† (Young). Psychologists, however, have countered this process by pointing out the importance of environmental factors to overall social development. Professor Robert Plomin of the Institute of Psychiatry in London says that â€Å"individual differences in complex traits are due at least as much to environmental influences as they are to genetic influences† (qtd. in Young). This is, in essence, a modern-day battle of nature versus nurture. In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein the conflict is perfectly encapsulated in the character of the monster; is he inherently evil and bloodthirsty, or did harsh societal treatment force him to be that way? It is an age-old question, still yet to be solved. However, through her writing and characterization it becomes clear that the monster began life as fresh and innocent as a regular newborn baby. He only became a true â€Å"monster† in the archetypal sense after enduring hatred and isolation at the hands of the humans he so longed to be. He is, in effect, nurtured into being the murderer that he becomes. Despite his unnatural birth, Frankenstein's creation still exudes the freshness and naivety of a young child discovering things for the first time. The prime example of this is his discovery of fire: â€Å"I found a fire which had been left by some wandering beggars†¦ in my joy I thrust my hand into the live embers, but quickly drew it out again with a cry of pain† (Shelley 89). He obviously has no life experiences to guide his actions and spends his first few weeks investigating and trying to understand the world around him, much like a newborn would. He even says that â€Å"no distinct ideas occupied my mind† (Shelley 88). This is not a being born a raving lunatic, his mind awash with murderous thoughts. He is simply a blank slate. Once he begins to distinguish light and sound, he continues his fresh exploration, discovering such things as animals, foliage, and warmth. At one point he wanders into an old man's hut, scaring him off. He doesn't intend to cause the man harm, nor does the reaction his appearance receives cause him any emotional distress or give rise to vengeance. He is not the being that he is by the end of the novel, a clear indication of the influence of social and environmental factors on development. In fact, it is not until he sees the De Lacey family for the first time that he begins to truly grasp basic emotions like happiness and sadness; until that point he had only known physical pain and hunger. The De Laceys are essentially the monster's first nurturers, however unknowing they may be. By observing them he becomes aware of human relationships, human emotions, and even human history. He develops a high level empathy for the family; their trials and tribulations were his, and when their were sad so was he. In a way he is exhibiting a highly pure and limited form of emotional expression and understanding for, much like a very young child or even a pet, his own feelings are greatly influenced by, and reflective of, those around him. Since the family provides the basis for the monster's impression of humans, he originally thinks fairly highly of them. The monster, who had started out taking some of their food for his own survival, stopped doing so when he â€Å"found out that in doing this [he] inflicted pain on the cottagers† (Shelley 96). To make amends he instead gathers firewood for them, and is filled with satisfaction upon knowing that he saved them from even a small amount of hardship. It is from the De Laceys that he first learns of kindness and love, and of the bonds of family and friendship. If he was truly born a monster it is doubtful that he would have any capacity whatsoever for empathy and love. At this point in the novel, though, it's quite apparent that the so-called â€Å"demon† has a interior that belies his frightening exterior appearance. The monster also learns how to read, write, and speak by intently observing the De Laceys. This act of humanization further endears the family to him, and is his major step towards joining human society. Of course this is all thrown out the window when, after meticulously planning on how to reveal his presence to the family, they receive him with less than open arms: Felix violently ejects him from their cottage, while Safie runs away in disgust and Agatha faints upon seeing his form. This is the first of several traumatic experiences with the human race that totally throws the monster's worldview out-of-whack; where before he saw only gentleness and love he soon comes to associate humans with hatred and violence. Next the monster gets shot after saving a girl from drowning in a river. However he still does not respond violently towards either the girl or the attacker; instead he merely wanders off, injured and confused. It would seem that he has yet to become the violent murderer the majority of the story sees him as. At this point, though, he does vow â€Å"eternal hatred and vengeance on all mankind† (Shelley 126), which is a far cry from the admiration he expressed for their race only days before. This is the turning point in the monster's behavior; from here on out his thought process is radically changed. Society and mankind have totally rejected him by this time, and again like a child he takes these insults to heart and responds in a somewhat over-the-top manner. The monster's brutal murder of William, Frankenstein's younger brother, is the first occurrence to truly display any sort of demonic tendencies. By this point, though, his heart and mind have been shaped by nearly two years of life experiences, many of them negative. After all, he lives, apart from observing the De Laceys, in total isolation. He is then deemed a monster by all of society, and cast out. He is even shot for doing a heroic deed. Add on his knowledge of the bloody history of human civilization (which is filled with war and revenge) and his exposure and identification with Satan in Milton's Paradise Lost and it is not entirely surprising to see his mindset so rapidly altered. Of course he goes on to kill many more of Frankenstein's loved ones, and eventually indirectly causes the death of Frankenstein himself, though these heinous crimes are born out of a lack of nurture, not simply just his natural personality. In fact, like many serial killers before and after him, the monster lacks any sort of parental figure. His father, Frankenstein, was so disgusted by him that he ran away and never came back. History has shown us that growing up fatherless can have severe ramifications upon a child's psyche and development. Numerous sociologists and psychologists have come to the conclusion that a fatherless childhood increases the likelihood that said child will turn to a life of crime or depression, and with 70% of long-term prison inmates and 72% of adolescent murderers coming from fatherless homes that assumption appears to be correct (Popenoe). This is a clear endorsement of the importance of nurture over nature in that this environmental change has such a large effect on the future of these children. Many, of course, come to resent and hate the man who walked out on them. This is the case with the monster, whose quest for vengeance against his creator provides the main plot of the novel. The monster falls victim to the numerous environmental forces working against him, from societal isolation to the abandonment of his father. His ultimate personality is filled with rage and anger, though it is not without the kinder traits he picked up from the De Lacey family. He confesses at the end of the novel of his remorse at his crimes: â€Å"No guilt, no mischief, no malignity, no misery can be comparable to mine† (Shelley 203). Two of the most important quotes, though, appear at the end of the novel as well: the monster essentially conveys Shelley's exact point in the nature vs. nurture battle when he says that his â€Å"heart was fashioned to be susceptible of love and sympathy† (Shelley 202) and that he â€Å"cannot believe that [he is] the same creature whose thoughts were once filled with sublime and transcendent visions of the beauty and majesty of goodness† (Shelley 204). Even he recognizes the changes that have taken place inside his own psyche, and he understands that it is his life experiences and environment that is to blame for this. In these final quotes, he also makes it clear that he started out life fresh and new, without a demonic cell in his body, and that his first experiences were those of kindness and joy. It was not until after his mind began to form that he was exposed to the concepts of hatred and vengeance. With the character of Frankenstein's monster, Shelley has created not only one of the most iconic misunderstood villains of literature but also formed an entire thesis on the concept of nature versus nurture in human development. By making the monster a blank slate, and morphing his personality based upon the different cataclysmic events that shape his life, Shelley clearly states her support for the nurture side of the argument. In a way the entire novel could be seen as an argument in defense of the belief that it is the child's environment and form of nurture received (be it good, bad, or non-existent) that provides the basis for their personality and character. Of course genetics does play a role in such areas. People are generally not born serial killers, nor are they born as charitable saints. Parenting plays a huge role in early development, as many professionals have proven, and the monster's lack of a single parent largely attributes to his personality defects. This point, combined with the isolation and hatred that he endured, are the reasons that he turned towards a path of murder and destruction.

Friday, September 13, 2019

A Review Article on Concept Mapping

A Review Article on Concept Mapping A concept is a perceived regularity in events or objects designated by a label. Concept maps are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge in networks of concepts and linking statements about a problem or subject (Novak one for pathophysiology and one for care planning. It is sometimes easier to follow a care map if diagnoses, goals and interventions are placed in different shaped figures such as circles, octagons, and triangles. Concept mapping is used broadly in nursing education. Nursing faculty may employ them as a teaching strategy in the classroom and students may use them as a note taking or study tool. There are multiple structures used for concept mapping. They are an effective way to teach learners how to think about concepts and to see the big picture of how the many facts and variables in a situation fit together. Objectives Concept maps have been used in nursing education as a method for students to organize and analyze data. This review article examine s empirical studies on the use of concept maps as a metacognitive tool, as a tool improve students’ critical thinking abilities and as a teaching-learning method in nursing and discusses the effectiveness of using concept mapping in the nursing education. Its implications to research and implications for nursing education will also be discussed.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Economics factors as barriers to effective Health Care Term Paper

Economics factors as barriers to effective Health Care - Term Paper Example According to Patricia & Mary (2007) ensuring a health rich globe, may take a million years if all health hazards remained constant. With this scenario impossible it becomes the duty of nations and health bodies to protect their citizens against health hazards. Making it hard to control global health is the fact that there are emergences of diseases which have no permanent treatment yet. However, other factors play a major role in the hindrance of provision of health care. These factors are influenced mostly by human activity. They mostly include economic and social factors. In many occasions social factors get all the attention disregarding the influence of the economic factors. In an argument by Ralph (2011) economic factors pose many threats than social factors yet they don’t get enough attention as the social factors. Economic factors that hinder effective health care include poverty, job descriptions and illegal trade of counterfeit drugs. The three factors are the leading economic factors that affect the global front in terms of provision of effective health care. This paper will focus on these three economic factors as barriers to proper provision of health care. Additionally, the paper will provide guidelines which may effectively address these issues. Also included will be the probability of the issues to be addressed permanently and effectively. Economic factors Poverty levels In words by Roslyn & Rick (2008) poverty is the largest hindrance to access of quality health care in many nations. The most affected nations are in their third world stage of evolution. Nations in the third world have large numbers of their population living under the poverty level line. This is greatly attributed to the fact that unemployment levels are at high levels. As a general assumption in many third world countries, basic needs are the first priority. Health care does not fall under the brackets of basic needs in these parts of the globe. Due to poverty levels lar ge numbers of populations prefer to use over the counter drugs to treat any form of illness. According to Simon & Heather (2007) this tendency is an evidence of how quality health care is made difficult to obtain. For the past five years thousands of people have succumbed to diseases due to lack of proper health care. Health researchers argue that it is not out of will that individual choose to seek poor health care. If given the chance and ability, every single individual on the face of the earth would opt to seek the best health care services. The living conditions and financial abilities determine the quality of health care one can get. It is for this reason that health bodies advocate for free provision of health care when it comes to very serious diseases. A good example is the treatment of HIV/ Aids. The treatment of HIV/Aids was made voluntary and free since the medication of the ARVs was too expensive. This step made it possible for people with poor living standards t access the medication. the results of this move is very significant as there is evidence of people living with the virus and live up to seven years before succumbing to death (Mwabu & Ishola, 2010). In an argument by Tracy (2009) it is an obvious assumption that a person living below a dollar per day may put proper medication as a last need in their budget. Poverty or low income levels also affect nations. Below the third world nations there are nations with low revenue

Macro Economics-- Redbox Price Hike Could Dodge Netflix Outrage Essay

Macro Economics-- Redbox Price Hike Could Dodge Netflix Outrage - Essay Example Because the price has increased, it is reasonable to expect that the quantity demanded will decrease. This is because the market demand will adjust to the increased prices by not purchasing the same amount of DVDs as before. However, if demand is high enough, then quantity will remain relatively the same. This is because a competitor, Netflix, raised its prices by even more—60%. Even though consumers may not like the price hike, they may have no other option but to continue using Redbox’s services. I think that Redbox is doing the right thing by raising their prices because they need to make a profit. Because operating costs have risen, it is only natural to pass on that increase to customers. Redbox needs to be aware that its customer base may fall due to this announcement. If so, Redbox needs to decrease its prices marginally so that market equilibrium can be

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Research - Essay Example With regards to this, this paper focuses on a peer reviewed article in nursing research. This article takes into consideration the nurse staffing in hospitals and its effects on patients as well as the nurses. This article focuses on staffing of nurse in hospitals. The study aims at estimating the cost of increasing the number of nurses in hospitals and its effects in reducing deaths, besides adverse outcomes. In addition, it looks at various ways of improving the quality as well as safety of the patients. These include investing in training and education, investing in new technology and increasing nurse staffing. In this study, there is provision of data for the purpose of helping hospitals as well as policy makers to consider both social cases and business for investing in increasing the number of nurses in hospitals. This is through estimating the costs of increasing nurses and cost savings as a result of avoided deaths and reduced length of stay (Jack, Peter, Maureen, Katya & Mattke, 2006). In addition, it is through decrease of the outcomes of adverse patients, related to a higher number of nurses in the hospitals. While estimating the increased number of nurses in this study, there are no considerations of the patients’ value and their families, improved reputation of the hospital and the economic value with regard to lower liability. In addition, the study does not consider estimating the potential cost savings as a result of reducing the turnover of nurse through increased nurse staffing. This study significantly relates to my area of study which is nursing. Through this study, nurses are able to understand the benefits of increasing the number of nurses in hospitals. In addition, they became aware of the feasibility of increasing nurse staffing with regards to the costs involved in increasing nurse staffing in hospitals. Peer review is the process which journals use for

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Cultural environment of United Arab Emirates Essay

Cultural environment of United Arab Emirates - Essay Example This paper will focus on describing the cultural environment of the United Arab Emirates, according to the model described by Hofstede. The Five Dimensions of Culture It is of critical importance to describe the five dimensions that Hofstede described. The first of these dimensions is the power/distance, which denotes the degree of inequality that is evident in the society (Reiser 9). According to this psychologist, the people in the society have usually accepted that inequality exists, and realize their place. In cultures registering high scores of this dimension, uneven distribution of power thrives, with people in the system living within the limits of their place. Societies that have a lower score in this dimension exhibit a level of power sharing and dispersion and the members in the society consider each other as equals. . Societies that register high scores in this dimension have a hierarchical society whereby the gap between each level keeps widening. The second dimension is individualism, which denotes the depth of ties existing between people and their communities. Societies that register a high score in individualism have many people practicing autonomy, and the exhibit a high level of independence. Societies that have low scores in this dimension exhibit complex community networks and value the societal projects (Reiser 11). The people have an indomitable connection with their societies, a factor that makes them focused on pursuing community projects. The third dimension that he used to describe societies was masculinity, which denoted the society’s tendency to adhere to gender roles attached to both men and women. High scores in this dimension illustrates that a society holds onto the gender system that defines masculine and feminine roles, with men associated with the tough responsibilities. On the other hand, low scores reveal that a society has embraced gender equality and that women in that society can take up various careers, including those taken up by men. Low scores do not imply that a certain society exhibits reversed gender roles, but rather describes the changed attitudes towards the stringent gender system that has defines masculine and feminine roles. The fourth dimension that Hofstede defined was the uncertainty or avoidance index, a framework that relates to the society’s tendencies to avoid ambiguity or confusing situations. Societies that score highly in this sector usually avoid any form of ambiguity by setting up multiple rules and regulations that define the necessary action and option under any circumstance (Reiser 13). Low scores in this area indicate that a society lacks laws that define each probable situation, and that novelty is encouraged under different circumstances. The fifth dimension describes a society’s preference for long-term orientation. High scores in this dimension indicate that a society prefers to hold onto traditional values that define the society. Low scores are exhibited by countries that have lost an attachment to traditional values and are willing to adopt dynamic trends. Geert Hofstede Analysis for United Arab Emirates According to Hofstede, the United Arab Emirates exhibits a high score on the power and distance of 80 highlighting that the society is highly hierarchical. There are differential classes that define the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Performance mgmt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Performance mgmt - Essay Example The suggested style is to begin by leading through example among managers and understanding why the difficult employees behave like they do. In the course of this understanding, root causes will be unearthed and lasting solutions found for the growth and profitability of the enterprise. 1. Pay attention: to correct unwanted employee behavior, it is important that the responsible managers do not ignore the difficult employees when they act inappropriately. By yelling at these staff, the root causes of their actions will not be identified and the end result being lack of productivity and further rebellion. 2. Take immediate action: Managers should act as soon as possible on poor behavior when evidence of such is witnessed. Failure to act in real time will lead to further escalation of the problem. It is sometime notable that a number of employees with misconduct issues do not realize that their actions are offensive to others around them and therefore immediate action goes a long way in bringing to their attention the wrongs in their actions for subsequent corrections. 3. Carry out a personal investigation of the problem: After sufficient investigation by the manager, it is important that he calls the person to a private meeting to find out if he knows about the said misbehavior. If it is determined that he is not aware of the conducts as inappropriate, then a clear explanation should be made to him on what is considered appropriate and what is not (Williams, p 48). The employee should in this meeting be given the chance to respond to the allegations by the manager to help further shed light into the root causes of the problem. 4. Provide support: It is the responsibility of managers upon taking note of negative behaviors and discussing them with the affected discussing employee to initiate a coaching program aimed at helping these members of staff adopt better and acceptable behavior in work places. It is

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Evaluation of film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evaluation of film - Essay Example This paper will evaluate the movie and its themes which talk about many emotional, moral, and deep decisions and thoughts. The Dark Knight is considered to be a masterpiece created by Nolan. The 2 hours long journey depicts an amazing story which is surrounded with the absolutely thoughtful creation of Nolan’s work. With powerful marketing and plenty of moral messages in the film, it proved to be one of the biggest blockbusters of all time. The strong story leads to how the hero can often be in moral and emotional trouble and how decision making can be made tough as there’s a thin line between the good and evil. The role of the Joker is that of a ruthless villain, he cares for nothing and no one, not even himself. His character is the one which keeps reminding Batman that there are no rules to the game. He creates chaos everywhere, likes to question everything, and pushes everyone to extremes. He is unpredictable and unreasonable, and he doesn’t have any planned goals except to cause destruction and chaos. The Joker is not seen as any other villain. Throughout the movie, he gives the audience the belief that he is just someone who is coming out of his personal space. Not only does he not have any plans or goals, but he doesn’t even define to the moral code of criminals. This character has no values. Even though the character of the Joker is very influential and makes the movie complete, the character of Batman isn’t ignorable. Batman is strong and masculine; he never gives in to his inner urges. He is seen in a tough position when he has to fight a man who has no rules or values. However, he refuses to take the wrong path which would lead him to the Joker and rather maintains his own moral code. Batman does not believe in killing the criminals, instead he brings them to justice. Thus, even when the Joker is standing in front of him shouting ‘kill me’, Batman does not break his moral code which costs him his capture. The fight

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Religion - Essay Example Christianity believes in the existence of one God, who is the Alfa and omega (Herbert 45). Christians believe that God is the one who made everything possible on earth after creating them in 6 days and resting on the 7th day. Buddhism on other hand is a religion which originated in Nepal, India. In Christianity, their place of worship includes: chapel, church, basilica, cathedral, personal dwellings and home bible studies (Herbert 22). For Christianity, God can be worshipped anywhere, weather in church or not. When it comes to Buddhism, places of worship include; monasteries, pagodas, nunneries and temples. It is estimated Buddhism to have existed since 2500 years ago whereas Christianity’s time of origin is estimated at 33AD (Herbert 53). In relation to the goal of religion, Buddhism aims at attaining Enlightment so as to be released from what they term as they cycle of death and rebirth in order to attain Nirvana (Herbert 67). When it comes to Christianity, the religion aims to loving God plus obeying his commandments, gets saved through Jesus Christ in order for one day to enter the Kingdom of heaven. According to Buddhism, human beings have the ability to possess anger, greed, ignorance, delusion, cravings and so many other qualities. Such individuals with negative abilities are referred in the religion as ‘fools† (Herbert 78). Buddhism preaches that those who would not have walked the Eightfold Path are those referred to as ordinary people. In contrast, in Christianity, they believe in the concept that man is always born by sin which was original created when Adam and Eve ignored God’s authority in the Garden of Eden. It is hence through salvation that’s one sin’s are washed away by the blood of Jesus. Those who would not have been saved by death will head to hell (Herbert 90). Buddhism has their God named as Brahma or Avalokitesvara whereas in Christianity, God has so many names: God, Yahweh, Gott, Dios, Gud, Eli,

Friday, September 6, 2019

Prospectus of bsrm steels limited Essay Example for Free

Prospectus of bsrm steels limited Essay Declarations and due diligence certificates Declaration about the responsibility of the Directors including the CEO of the Company in respect of the prospectus Consent of the Directors to Serve Declaration about filing of prospectus with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies Firms Due Diligence Certificate of Manger to the Issue Due Diligence Certificate of the Underwriter(s) Risk factors management perceptions about the risks Capital structure Use of IPO proceeds Description of business Back ground of the project Important date Nature of business Principal products and services The Rolling Process Market for the BSRMS Products Relative contribution to income Associate subsidiary/related holding company Distribution of products/services Sources and availability of raw materials and principal suppliers Competitive condition of business Sources of and requirement for power, gas and water or any other utilities Customer providing 10% or more revenues Contract with principal customers and suppliers Material patents, trademarks, license or royalty agreements Number of employees (as per audited accounts) Capacity and current utilization of facility Description of property Financial Condition and Plan of Operation Internal and external sources of fund (as per audited accounts) Material commitment for capital expenditure Causes for material changes Seasonal aspect of the Company’s business Known trends, events or uncertainties Change in the assets of the Company used to pay off any liabilities Loan taken from holding/parent company or subsidiary company Loan given to holding/parent company or subsidiary company Future contractual liabilities Future capital expenditure VAT, income tax, customs duty or other tax liability Operating lease agreement Financial lease and other financial commitment Personnel related scheme Revaluation of assets Breakdown of issue expenses Auditors certificate regarding any allotment of shares to promoters or Sponsor shareholders for consideration other than in cash -5- Page No 7 7 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 Issuer Issue Managers  ¦  ¦  ¦ Alliance Financial Services Limited BSRM Steels Limited South Asia Capital Limited Item Transactions with subsidiary/holding company or associate companies Material information which is likely to have an impact Directors and officers Information regarding directorship Directors involvement in other organization Family relationship among directors and top five officers Short bio-data of the directors Credit information Bureau (CIB) report Description of senior executive and departmental heads Involvement of Directors and officers in certain legal proceedings Certain Relationships and Related Transactions Transaction with related parties Directors facilities Executive compensation Remuneration paid to top five salaried officers Aggregate amount of remuneration paid to directors and officers (as audited accounts) Remuneration paid to Director who was not an officer Future compensation to Director or officers Pay increase intention Options granted to Directors, officers and employees Transaction with the Directors and subscribers to the Memorandum Tangible assets per share Ownership of the Company’s securities Composition of Shareholders Share hold by Directors Shareholding structure 5% or more as on 30 April 2008 Securities owned by the officers Determination of offering price Market for the securities being offered Declaration about listing of shares with Stock Exchange Trading and settlement Description of Securities outstanding or being offered Dividend, voting, pre-emption rights Conversion and liquidation rights Dividend policy Other rights of shareholders Debt securities Lock-in on sponsors share Refund of subscription money Subscription by and refund to non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) Availability of securities Offer Application for subscription Allotment Underwriting of shares Principal terms and conditions of underwriting agreement Underwriter’s right to represent in the Board of Directors of the Company Auditors report to the shareholders Audited Financial Statements Auditors report under section 135(1), Para 24(1) of part II of schedule III to Companies Act, 1994 Ratio Analysis Additional disclosures as required by Securities and Exchange Commission Credit rating report of BSRMS Application forms -6- Page No 23 23 23 23 24 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 36 36 36 36 37 38 38 38 38 39 40 54 55 57 59 76 Issuer Issue Managers  ¦  ¦  ¦ Alliance Financial Services Limited BSRM Steels Limited South Asia Capital Limited Disclosure in respect of issuance of security in Demat Form As per provision of the Depository Act, 1999 and regulations made there under, shares will only be issued in dematerialized condition. All transfer/transmission/splitting will take place in the Central Depository Bangladesh Ltd. (CDBL) system and any further issuance of shares (right/bonus) will be issued in dematerialized form only. Conditions under Section 2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 Part A 1. The company shall go for Initial Public Offer (IPO) for 20,00,000 ordinary shares of Taka 100 (taka one hundred) each at par worth Taka 20,00,00,000 (Taka twenty crore) only following the Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2006, the Depository Act, 1999 and regulations made there under. 2. The abridged version of the prospectus, as approved by the Commission, shall be published by the issuer in four national daily newspapers (in two Bangla and two English), within 03 (three) working days of issuance of this letter. The issuer shall post the full prospectus vetted by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the issuer’s website and shall also put on the websites of the Commission, stock exchanges, and the issue managers within 03 (three) working days from the date of issuance of this letter which shall remain posted till the closure of the subscription list. The issuer shall submit to SEC, the stock exchanges and the issue managers a diskette containing the text of the vetted prospectus in â€Å"MS -Word† format. 3. Sufficient copies of prospectus shall be made available by the issuer so that any person requesting a copy may receive one. A notice shall be placed on the front of the application form distributed in connection with the offering, informing that interested persons are entitled to a prospectus, if they so desire, and that copies of prospectus may be obtained from the issuer and the issue managers. The subscription application shall indicate in bold type that no sale of securities shall be made, nor shall any money be taken from any person, in connection with such sale until twenty five days after the prospectus has been published. 4. The company shall submit 40 (forty) copies of the printed prospectus to the Securities and Exchange Commission for official record within 5 (Five) working days from the date of publication of the abridged version of the prospectus in the newspaper. 5. The issuer company and the issue managers shall ensure transmission of the prospectus, abridged version of the prospectus and relevant application forms for NRBs through e-mail, simultaneously with publication of the abridged version of the prospectus, to the Bangladesh Embassies and Missions abroad and shall also ensure sending of the printed copies of abridged version of the prospectus and application forms to the said Embassies and Missions within five working days of the publication date by express mail service (EMS) of the postal department. A compliance report shall be submitted in this respect to the SEC jointly by the issuer and the issue managers within two working days from the date of said dispatch of the prospectus the forms. 6. The paper clipping of the published abridged version of the prospectus, as mentioned at condition 2 above, shall be submitted to the Commission within 24 hours of the publication thereof. 7. The company shall maintain separate bank account(s) for collecting proceeds of the Initial Public Offering and shall also open FC account(s) to deposit the application money of the Non-Resident Bangladeshis (NRBs) for IPO purpose, and shall incorporate full particulars of said FC account(s) in the prospectus. The company shall open the abovementioned accounts for IPO purpose; and close these accounts after refund of over-subscription. Non- Resident Bangladeshi (NRB) means Bangladeshi citizens staying abroad including all those who have dual citizenship (provided they have a valid Bangladeshi passport) or those, whose foreign passport bear a stamp from the concerned Bangladesh Embassy to the effect that no visa is required to travel to Bangladesh. 8. The issuer company shall apply to all the stock exchanges in Bangladesh for listing within 07(seven) working days from the date of issuance of this letter and shall simultaneously submit the vetted prospectus with all exhibits, as submitted to SEC, to the stock exchanges. 9. The following declaration shall be made by the company in the prospectus, namely: â€Å"Declaration about Listing of Shares with the Stock Exchange(s): None of the stock exchange(s), if for any reason, grants listing within 75 days from the closure of subscription, any allotment in terms of this prospectus shall be void and the company shall refund the subscription money within fifteen days from the date of refusal for listing by the stock exchanges, or from the date of expiry of the said 75 (seventy five) days, as the case may be. In case of non -refund of the subscription money within the aforesaid fifteen days, the company directors, in addition to the issuer company, shall be collectively and severally liable for refund of the subscription money, with interest at the rate of 2% (two percent) per month above the bank rate, to the subscribers concerned. -7- Issuer Issue Managers  ¦  ¦  ¦ Alliance Financial Services Limited BSRM Steels Limited South Asia Capital Limited The issue managers, in addition to the issuer company, shall ensure due compliance of the above mentioned conditions and shall submit compliance report thereon to the Commission within seven days of expiry of the aforesaid fifteen days time period allowed for refund of the subscription money. † 10. The subscription list shall be opened and the sale of securities commenced after 25 (twenty five) days of the publication of the abridged version of the prospectus and shall remain open for 5 (Five) consecutive banking days. 11. A non-resident Bangladeshi shall apply either directly by enclosing a foreign demand draft drawn on a bank payable at Dhaka, or through a nominee by paying out of foreign currency deposit account maintained in Bangladesh or in Taka, supported by foreign currency encashment certificate issued by the concerned bank, for the value of securities applied for through crossed bank cheque marking â€Å"Account Payee only†. The NRB applicants shall send applications to the issuer company within the closing date of the subscription so as to reach the same to the company by the closing date plus nine days. Applications received by the company after the above time period will not be considered for allotment purpose. 12. The company shall apply the spot buying rate (TT clean) in US Dollar, UK Pound Sterling and Euro of Sonali Bank, which shall be mentioned in the Prospectus, as prevailed on the date of opening of the subscription for the purpose of application of the NRBs and other non-Bangladeshi persons, where applicable. 13. The company and the issue managers shall ensure prompt collection/clearance of the foreign remittances of NRBs and other non-Bangladeshis, if applicable, for allotment of shares. 14. Upon completion of the period of subscription for securities the issuer and the issue managers shall jointly provide the Commission and the stock exchanges with the preliminary status of the subscription within 05 (five) working days, in respect of the following matters, namely: (a) Total number of securities for which subscription has been received; (b) Amount received from the subscription; and (c) Amount of commission paid to the banker to the issue. 15. The issuer and the issue managers shall jointly provide the Commission and the stock exchanges the list of valid and invalid applicants in 2 (two) CDs and final status of subscription to the Commission within 3 (three) weeks after the closure of the subscription along with bank statement (original), branch-wise subscription statement. The list of valid and invalid applicants shall be finalized after examination with the CDBL in respect of BO accounts and particulars thereof. 16. The IPO shall stand cancelled and the application money shall be refunded immediately (but not later than 5 (Five) weeks from the date of the subscription closure) if any of the following events occur: (a) Upon closing of the subscription list it is found that the total number of valid applications (in case of under subscription including the number of the underwriter) is less than the minimum requirement as specified in the listing regulations of the stock exchange(s) concerned; or (b) At least 50% of the IPO is not subscribed. 17. 10% of total public offering shall be reserved for non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and 10% for mutual funds and collective investment schemes registered with the Commission, and the remaining 80% shall be open for subscription by the general public. In case of under subscription under any of the 10% categories mentioned above, the unsubscribed portion shall be added to the general public category and, if after such addition, there is over subscription in the general public category, the issuer and the issue managers shall jointly conduct an open lottery of all the applicants added together. 18. All the applicants shall first be treated as applied for one minimum market lot of 50 shares worth Tk. 5000/-. If, on this basis, there is over subscription, then lottery shall be held amongst the applicants allocating one identification number for each application, irrespective of the application money. In case of over-subscription under any of the categories mentioned hereinabove, the issuer and the issue managers shall jointly conduct an open lottery of all the applications received under each category separately in presence of representatives from the issuer, the stock exchanges and the applicants, if there be any. 19. An applicant cannot submit more than two applications, one in his/her own name and another jointly with another person. In case an applicant makes more than two applications, all applications will be treated as invalid and will not be considered for allotment purpose. In addition, whole or part of application money may be forfeited by the Commission. -8- Issuer Issue Managers  ¦  ¦  ¦ Alliance Financial Services Limited BSRM Steels Limited South Asia Capital Limited 20. The primary shares allotted to an applicant through IPO may be forfeited by SEC, if the BO account of the said applicant is found closed at the time of allotment of shares. All IPO applicants are required to keep their BO accounts operational till allotment of IPO shares. 21. Lottery (if applicable) shall be held within 4 (four) weeks from closure of the subscription date. 22. The company shall issue share allotment letters to all successful applicants within 5 (five) weeks from the date of the subscription closing date. Within the same time, Refund to the unsuccessful applicants shall be made in the currency in which the value of securities was paid for by the applicants without any interest through Account Payee Cheque/ refund warrants with bank account number, bank’s name and Branch as indicated in the securities application forms payable at Dhaka/ Chittagong/ Khulna/ Rajshahi/ Barisal/ Sylhet/ Bogra, as the case may be subject to condition 19 above. Refund money of the unsuccessful applicants shall be credited directly to their respective bank accounts with in 5 (five) weeks from the date of the subscription closing, who have mentioned in the IPO application forms, bank account numbers with the bankers to the issue and other banks as disclosed in the prospectus. A compliance report in this regard shall be submitted to the Commission within 6(six) weeks from the date of closure of subscription. 23. The company shall furnish the List of Allotees to the Commission and the stock exchange(s) simultaneously in which the shares will be listed, within 24 (twenty four) hours of allotment. 24. In the event of under-subscription of the public offering, the unsubscribed portion of securities shall be taken up by the underwriter(s) (subject to para -16 above). The issuer must notify the underwriter to take up the underwritten shares within 10 (ten) days of the subscription closing date on full payment of the share money within 15(fifteen) days of the issuer’s notice. The underwriter shall not share any underwriting fee with the issue managers, other underwriters, issuer or the sponsor group. 25. All issued shares of the issuer at the time of according this consent shall be subject to a lock in period of three years from the date of issuance of prospectus or commercial operation, whichever comes later: Provided that the persons, other than directors and those who hold 5% or more, who have subscribed to the shares of the company within immediately preceding two years of according consent, shall be subject to a lock -in period of one year from the date of issuance of prospectus or commercial operation, whichever comes later. 26. Either a Jumbo Share (one for each of the existing Sponsors/ Directors/ Shareholders) in respect of the shares already issued shall be issued covering together respective total holding, which shall contain the expiry date of lock-in period or Sponsors/Directors/Promoters/Shareholders’ shareholding shall be converted into demat form but shall be locked-in as per the condition at para-25 above. 27. In case of Jumbo Share Certificate issued to the existing Sponsors/ Directors/Shareholders, the said share certificates shall be kept under custody of a security custodian bank registered with SEC during the lock-in period. The name and branch of the bank shall be furnished to the Commission jointly by the issuer and the issue managers, along with a confirmation thereof from the custodian bank, within one week of listing of the shares with the stock exchange(s). 28. In case of dematerialization of shares held by the existing Sponsors/ Directors/Shareholders, the copy of dematerialization confirmation report generated by CDBL and attested by the managing director of the company along with lock-in confirmation shall be submitted to SEC within one week of listing of the shares with the stock exchange(s). 29. The company shall apply to the stock exchanges for listing within 7(seven) working days of issuance of this letter and shall simultaneously submit to the Commission attested copies of the application filed with the stock exchanges. 30. The company shall not declare any benefit other than cash dividend based on the financial statement for the period ended December 31, 2007. Part-B 1. The issue managers (i. e. , Alliance Financial Services Limited and South Asia Capital Limited) shall ensure that the abridged version of the prospectus and the full prospectus is published correctly and in strict conformity without any error/omission, as vetted by the Securities and Exchange Commission. 2. The issue managers shall carefully examine and compare the published abridged version of prospectus on the date of publication with the copy vetted by SEC. If any discrepancy/inconsistency is found, both the issuer and the issue managers shall jointly publish a corrigendum immediately in the same newspapers concerned, simultaneously endorsing copies thereof to SEC and the stock exchange(s) concerned, correcting the discrepancy/inconsistency as required under ‘Due Diligence Certificates’ provided with SEC. -9- Issuer Issue Managers  ¦  ¦  ¦ Alliance Financial Services Limited BSRM Steels Limited South Asia Capital Limited 3. Both the issuer company and the issue managers shall, immediately after publication of the prospectus and its abridged version, jointly inform the Commission in writing that the published prospectus and its abridged version are verbatim copies of the same as vetted by the Commission. 4. The fund collected through IPO shall not be utilized prior to listing with stock exchange and that utilization of the said fund shall be effected through banking channel, i. e. through account payee cheque, pay order or bank drafts etc. 5. The company shall furnish report to the Commission on utilization of IPO proceeds within 15 days of the closing of each quarter until such fund is fully utilized, as mentioned in the schedule contained in the prospectus, and in the event of any irregularity or inconsistency, the Commission may employ or engage any person, at issuer’s cost, to examine whether the issuer has utilized the proceeds for the purpose disclosed in the prospectus. 6. All transactions, excluding petty cash expenses, shall be effected through the company’s bank account(s). 7. Proceeds of the IPO shall not be used for any purpose other than those specified in the prospectus. Any deviation in this respect must have prior approval of the shareholders in the General Meeting under intimation to SEC and stock exchange(s). 8. The company shall remove the restrictive clauses regarding issuance transfer of shares and grouping of shares from its Articles of Association. Part C 1. All the above conditions imposed under section 2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 shall be incorporated in the prospectus immediately after the page of the table of contents, with a reference in the table of contents, prior to its publication. 2. The Commission may impose further conditions/restrictions etc. from time to time as and when considered necessary, which shall also be binding upon the issuer company. Part D 1. As per provision of the Depository Act, 1999 and regulations made there under, shares will only be issued in dematerialized condition. All transfer/transmission/splitting will take place in the Central Depository Bangladesh Ltd. (CDBL) system and any further issuance of shares (including right/bonus) will be made in dematerialized form only. An applicant (including NRB) shall not be able to apply for allotment of shares without beneficial owner account (BO account). 2. The issue managers shall also ensure due compliance of all above. GENERAL INFORMATION Alliance Financial Services Limited (AFSL) and South Asia Capital Limited (SACL) have prepared the prospectus from information supplied by BSRM Steels Limited (the Issuer Company) and also after several discussions with the Chairman, Managing Director, Directors and concerned executives of the company. BSRM Steels Limited, Alliance Financial Services Limited and South Asia Capital Limited collectively and individually, having made all reasonable inquiries, confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained herein is true and correct in all material aspects and that there are no other material facts, the omission of which, would make any statement herein misleading. No person is authorized to give any information or to make any representation not contained in this Prospectus and if given or made, any such information and representation must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the company or Alliance Financial Services Limited and South Asia Capital Limited. The Issue as contemplated in this prospectus is made in Bangladesh and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Bangladesh. Forwarding this prospectus to any person resident outside Bangladesh in no way implies that the issue is made in accordance with the laws of that country or is subject to the jurisdiction of the laws of that country. A copy of this prospectus may be obtained from the Corporate Head Office of BSRM Steels Limited, Alliance Financial Services Limited, South Asia Capital Limited, the Underwriters and the Stock Exchanges where the securities will be traded. 10 Issuer Issue Managers  ¦  ¦  ¦ Alliance Financial Services Limited BSRM Steels Limited South Asia Capital Limited Declarations and Due Diligence Certificates Declaration about the Responsibility of the Directors, including the CEO of the Company â€Å"BSRM Steels Limited† in Respect of the Prospectus This prospectus has been prepared, seen and approved by us, and we, individually and collectively, accept full responsibility for the authenticity and accuracy of the statements made, information given in the prospectus, documents, financial statements, exhibits, annexes, papers submitted to the Commission in support thereof, and confirm, after making all reasonable inquiries that all conditions concerning this public issue and prospectus have been met and that there are no other information or documents the omission of which make any information or statements therein misleading for which the Commission may take any civil, criminal or administrative action against any or all of us as it may deem fit. We also confirm that full and fair disclosure has been made in this prospectus to enable the investors to make a well-informed decision f or investment. Sd/ Alihussain Akberali Chairman Sd/Zohair Taherali Director Sd/Aameir Alihussain Managing Director* Sd/Tehseen Zohair Taherali Director Sd/Sabeen Aameir Director Consent of the Directors to Serve We hereby agree that we have been serving as Directors of â€Å"BSRM Steels Limited and confirm to continue to act as Directors of the Company. Sd/ Alihussain Akberali Chairman Sd/Zohair Taherali Director Sd/Aameir Alihussain Managing Director* Sd/Tehseen Zohair Taherali Director Sd/Sabeen Aameir Director * Mr. Aameir Alihussain is also a shareholder Director of the company. Declaration about filing of Prospectus with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies Firms A dated and signed copy of the Prospectus has been filed for registration with the Registrar of J